
Community feedback, involvement, and support are the things that make this organization function.  We provide a variety of ways for people to engage, so each person can find joy helping in a way which best fits their interests and skills.

Some ways to get involved:

Work Parties – We like to conquer large projects with fun, well-fed work parties. Whether it’s working in the garden, sorting clothes, building a fence or land maintenance, it takes a village to keep this project going. We plan to have more work parties when the weather is not cold and rainy or snowy.

Event ParticipationWe also host a range of fun events in town. From kid activities to educational workshops, we provide a place to bring together the town. These events always need help planning, prepping, running and cleaning up. Yet even just showing up does a lot to show your solidarity for our project.

Spread the Word About This ProjectTalk about the BBCLT and inform others about what we are up to. Learn about your BBCLT, read and/or download any helpful information from this website, share with friends and family, and share links to this website in your networks…

Fundraising/Donation GatheringWe are constantly looking for more sources of funding for our projects. The more money we bring in, the more programs and jobs we can create. Our projects also have lists of physical materials and supplies we are looking for. Many times the items needed can be found unused on properties around town. Individuals experienced in grant research, hosting fundraisers, funding campaigns and material manifestation are greatly encouraged to get in contact!

Committee/Board GovernanceOne of the most difficult parts of community organizing is creating the structure and policies while supplying the oversight to keep things running smoothly. The BBCLT is governed by a Board of Directors. If you are familiar with the running of a non-profit, and can attend at least a 2 hour meeting every month, the Board is often looking for a fresh perspective. The Co-Op and Hub projects are governed by Committees created by those involved with the projects, and are consistently seeking folks with a variety of skills and knowledge.

Give us your feedbackKnowing what our community thinks about our progress is extremely important to us. We recognize that we are stepping in after years of mixed experiences with the project. We hope that you feel comfortable letting us know your thoughts and ideas.

Email: info @ bigbend clt. net (remove spaces)

Mail: P.O. Box 151, Big Bend CA 96011

Or contact one of our Board of Directors members with any questions, comments, and/or suggestions!